
Northwest Harris County MUD 24 is committed to providing efforts to improve service and efficiently provide water to our customers. The District has installed Smart Meters at each house to replace the old mechanical water meters.

Benefits of Smart Meters

Smart meters allow residents the ability to track their water usage and provide benefits including:

  • Accurate meter recording and access to your account via the web or smart phone app
  • Your meter readings are taken consistently on the same day each month, so you can predict your billing.
  • You can follow your consumption hourly to track your highest usage periods for conservation.
  • A graphic depiction of your water use will enable you to minimize use during those times, i.e., shorten your irrigation time, or wash only full loads of dishes or clothing.
  • You can monitor and adjust water usage to stay within a billing price tier.
  • Leak detection in your household.


To setup your personalized online portal please visit: https://www.eyeonwater.com/signup

You will need the following information to register for an online account:

  • Zip Code
  • Service Account ID
  • Valid Email Address

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Eye on Water At A Glance